

INTRODUCTION The exercise, which is needed for the treatment purpose, is called as therapeutic exercise. The person performing the exercises in gym and jogging are to build the body and for healthy living. But the therapeutic exercises are the exercises, which are performed to come out from ones ailment or disease. These therapeutic exercises are totally different from the bodybuilding exercises. The main goal of the therapeutic exercise is preparing or making the patient independent or symptom-free movements. It brings back the diseased or injured patient to the normal state, and it plays the major role in the rehabilitation of an individual. To perform the therapeutic exercise one should have thorough knowledge on anatomy, physiology, orthopedic, neurology, kinesiology, pathology, cardiopulmonary and some of the physiotherapy related medical fields. It is believed that the perfect assessment of the disease is the 75 percent of the treatment. The perfect assessme


ELECTRIC SHOCK AND EARTH SHOCK IN PHYSIOTHERAPY DEPARTMENT Shock: Shock is stage of unconsciousness which could be due to so many causes. Examples are: hypovolemic, neurogenic, psychogenic and electric shock etc. Electric shock: Electric shock is a painful stimulation of sensory nerves caused by: 1. Sudden flow of current 2. Cessation or pause of flow of current 3. Variation of the current passing through the body Causes of Electric Shock 1. Poorly designed electromedical apparatus 2. Improper insulation of equipment 3. Improper insulation of wires 4. Badly serviced medical equipment 5. Mishandling of apparatus 6. Improper guidance to the patient 7. Lack of proper safety measures Severity of Electric Shock 1. In accordance with the Ohm’s Law, resistance is inversely  proportional to current. Hence, lower the resistance of the skin the greater the current which passes through the body. Therefore, if exposed part of the circuit is touched with wet hands, the s


STARTING POSITION AND DERIVED POSITION The position, which is adopted, by the patient or an individual to perform the exercise or the movement, to gain relaxation and stabilize the body is called as starting position. To perform a movement or exercise, the person should adopt one stable position. “Every movement begins in posture and ends in posture”. It is applicable for the day-to-day activities too. For example, drinking bed coffee. In this example, the person has to come out of the lying posture and attain sitting posture to drink the coffee or tea. So, the every activity, which we do in our day-to-day life also starts in one posture and ends in some other or same posture. There are five fundamental positions are found by which all the positions are derived. Whatever position we adopt for exercise or movement, it is the position, which altered from the five fundamental positions. 1. Standing 2. Sitting 3. Lying 4. Kneeling 5. Hanging. DERIVED POSITIONS Th
ex planation of active free exercise ?                          ACTIVE FREE EXERCISE   -                                                                                                                                           Are those exercise which are performed by the patients voluntary muscular effort with out any assistance or resistance by the external force except the gravity CLASSIFICATION OF FREE EXERCISE LOCALISED :-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Are those which mobilise a particular joints or to strengthen a particular muscle or a muscle   group Eg;- active movement of the shoulder joint pendular movement of shoulder GENERALISED :- Are those which involves the use of
What is BPT(bachelor of physiotherapy) ?         BPT or Bachelor of Physiotherapy is a four-year undergraduate professional course that deals with the science of physical movement to prevent disability and diseases of movement.    Physiotherapy or physical therapy is an allied health profession that helps people increase, maintain of restore their        physical mobility, function.